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roadvale hotel - new and improved

We have been waiting with anticipation to head out to the Roadvale Hotel after a massive renovation and re-opening of the pub. The owners have been working hard to keep their business going throughout the renovations, operating a coffee shop from the premises and we have been keeping an eye on it. Finally, it was time. A romantic dinner for two in the country (Dalase drove, so I guess that means he took me out and not the other way around).

First impression - absolutely gorgeous. Open and airy, the venue had a fresh and inviting look and, to be honest, I just loved the colour of the paint! I could go on, but this is not a house and garden article (yes, outside was good too), so I should get on with THE FOOD.

Speaking of the food – on the back of the menu was a list of all of the local suppliers that are used at the Roadvale Hotel. They really wanted to use as much local produce as possible and it definitely shows on the plate. After much deliberation over the intriguing items on the menu here’s what we chose to try:

· Ploughman’s Board – Kalbar leg ham, cured salmon, smoked cheddar, grapes, house pickles, smoked butter and sourdough bread. ($28)

· Slow Cooked Saltbush Lamb Shoulder with Hommus – toasted sesame, smoked paprika, goats curd, lemon myrtle oil and flat bread. ($26)

· Twice Cooked Duck Leg with Green Coconut and Kaffir Lime – Chilli and lime sauce, garden greens. ($35)

· Slow Braised Beef Cheek – roasted Killarney sweet potato, baby carrots, beetroot, homemade tomato relish and braising sauce. ($36)

· Cheese plate with Quince Paste and Lavosh – Gippsland Blue, Surprise Bay Smoked Cheddar, Woombye Triple Cream. ($28)

· Yoghurt and Vanilla Bean Pannacotta – Granite Belt new season figs and apple syrup. ($14)

If you’re thinking to yourself “ummm, that’s not your usual pub grub”, you’d be right. Not a “parmi” in sight, much to Dalase’s delight. The Roadvale has definitely stepped up into the restaurant game and if you had any doubt about whether it is worth the drive in the country for your night out, the answer from me would be “absolutely”.

The lamb entrée was, for me, the stand out for the evening. I chose it because it sounded “different” to what I would normally try. Wow! I cannot recommend this dish highly enough. Next time we head out that way I’ll be getting the main meal size. In my expert opinion (as in, I like to eat), it was the lemon myrtle oil that really gave this dish a flavour blend I hadn’t had before.

When I spoke to the Chef at the end of the night to compliment him on the dish, all I could come up with was “just yum” (not my finest moment – but he got the point). I have to say I was also impressed that he indicated one of the other chefs in the kitchen, saying that she was the one who had made the hommus for the dish. That’s a good boss in my book.

Knowing that we had already ordered dessert, I was a little worried for Dalase when I saw the size of the Ploughman’s Board. He made a fair dent in it, with a little help from yours truly, but, if you’re only a light eater, I feel it would be plenty for a shared entrée – especially if you’re a dessert person. Dalase thoroughly enjoyed his duck, calling it a “Thai/English countryside fusion” which is a little out there, but obviously worked for him since there was nothing left to return to the kitchen.

I hadn’t had a yoghurt Pannacotta before and found that a bit odd. Don’t get me wrong though, I finished it all, it was just not a sweet as what I was expecting. The apple syrup was a great addition and fresh figs resting in syrup – what more do I need to say?

All in all, what a wonderful night. We left there with full bellies, big smiles and a desire to go back soon. You really need to get out there and try this place out. A dinner for two or even a family night (yes, they had a kids menu), the Roadvale Hotel is back with a bang!


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