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daddy daughter day

So today I decided that, instead of doing the full 2 hour circle adventure, I might just take my little girl for a ride. As she doesn’t spend a lot of time on the motorcycle, we went for a nice easy cruise over the mountains and across the river. Just what the doctor ordered!

Leaving the heart of Ipswich and crossing the bridge, we headed out via Tivoli heading for Anstead, taking the time to appreciate some of the historic facets of the area that often go unnoticed in the daily grind. We came across the Wright Family House, a heritage listed property built in 1903, which is one of quite a few landmarks on that section of road. Once you get past the Mount Crosby interchange and roundabouts, the suburban area becomes quite picturesque and the winding road is a great ride with slighter lower speed limits that allow you to enjoy the mountain views. At times, if the clouds are low, you can actually feel the cloud mist on your skin, which is one of the magical things about riding a motorcycle. The sights, the sounds and the bouquet of smells are a simple pleasure. Sometimes you can even smell the earthiness of the forests or someone’s breakfast toast. Wonderful! (Of course, there is that occasional short-lived scent that we could do without). On this occasion the smell of freshly ground coffee lead me to The Reserve Anstead Café Restaurant, so we stopped for a little bit of brunch. We waited, as per instructions, to be seated and this morning our breakfast was served on the front verandah. By the time we arrived, both the lunch and breakfast menu were available, so Tirra ordered the Bruschetta off the lunch menu and I honed in on the American Pancakes. I mean who doesn’t love fresh pancakes, caramalised banana, bacon, ice cream and a few nuts sprinkled on the top? Of course I couldn’t help but be kind and considerate and send my wife a photo of our brunch whilst she was at home doing the washing and cleaning. I’m generous like that.

With breakfast thoroughly enjoyed, it was time to head towards the Moggill Ferry. I’ve never put a motorbike on the ferry before and my daughter has never been on a ferry at all, so we though that sounded like fun. Tirra also thought it was a fair exchange that she should pay for the ferry ride ($1.00), since I paid for breakfast. She too is generous. The ferry brings you across the river from Moggill and lands you in Riverview, where it was very easy to find our way to the Warrego Highway which is the only part of the journey where you will wind the speedo out to 100. Once you’re on the Warrego, choose your exit depending on where you want to land in Ipswich. For me, it was back home with chores to do and places to be. For you, it might be off to one of our many pubs, restaurants or cafés. Ipswich is one of those places where you’ll never go thirsty and you’ll always find something great to eat. Just a small adventure today, but keep an eye on the page because you never know just where we’ll end up, out in what we like to call, the 2 Hour Circle.

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